
The resources page is for everyone here to share links and info on valuable resources we all need and can use. I may make sections that are region or state specific so it’s easier to find what you’re looking for. The forum also has a search feature, so if you’re looking for something specific try it out!

If you find a good deal at the store (think bogo on canned goods, sales on rice or other readiness items) share the links here (remember to post the sale dates so people don’t waste time). Links to places where you like to buy bulk goods, freeze dried foods, MRE’s (meals ready to eat) etc.

Local farms, co-ops, pantries etc share them all here. Locally sourced items are valuable in a disaster or emergency situation. While everyone is busy mobbing the local grocery chain, you can run down to the local Bob or Tom’s farm and get what you need there.

Sources for materials your may need to make your homestead survival ready. This could be places to get fencing materials, wood for repairing damage to your property, or places to shop for improvement items like solar panels etc post them here. One year we had a hurricane threatening and the local Home Depot’s were chaotic. But luckily I knew where there was a lumber yard close by and walked right in to get plywood for the windows with ease!

I will probably post a blog on how to do an “area study” for where you live. This is to identify resources in your area in the event of an emergency. You might have plenty of food put away but what about a water source? Do you have a rain catchment system, or do you know where the nearest freshwater source is to your house? Things to think about when you’re preparing for an emergency.